November 12, 2006

What's a vote worth? Extremely rare "Inverted Jenny" stamp used to mail absentee ballot in Fla. Only 100 exist, and the one used could be sold for $500K. I wonder if it was someone who really valued being part of the electoral process, or someone who had no idea what they had done...

November 07, 2006

Pronto Condoms When you absolutely, positively must have safe sex immediately.

October 07, 2006

Don't criticize Dick or you will be arrested by the Gestapo SS Secret Service.

September 30, 2006

Hello, Cleveland Investigitave Journalism at its finest- Cleveland's WKYC Investigitave Reporter, Carl Monday, goes after a teenage boy he finds looking at porn and wanking in a public library, in a six-part, 22-minute series, where he badgers the kid and the kid's parents, in some sort of attempt to seem superior, while wearing a clichéd trench coat. So, The Daily Show (YT video) takes the piss out of Carl in kind. via. Meanwhile, Osama is still at large.

September 25, 2006

Sneeze-Free Squee

September 10, 2006

Closer. Spock on Kirk, YouTube video. Somewhat NSFW.

September 05, 2006

Banksy does Paris... He's at it again. Previously mentioned here, here, and here, his latest project has been to abduct, remix (m4a audio) and reissue (embedded YT video) Paris Hilton's new CD. (Some images/content may be NSFW).

August 29, 2006

Platypus Comix- Home of a trove of wonderful cartoons comic strips and art, including my favorites- non-anthologized original Bloom County Strips and The Bloom Picayune, and unpublished Watterston stuff. And a whole lot of other retrolicious stuff too, like Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain, and MTV's top 20 videos for 1984

August 20, 2006

Cat Grill YA lame one-photo post from your cheeziest monkey.

August 13, 2006

Big Butt Ants Has the Civet-cat-poo coffee mania left you feeling passed by? Here to offer solace, allow me to intrtoduce you to your latest Columbian craze, and all its legs.

August 01, 2006

The Art of the Shiv

June 23, 2006

Italy convicts blogger for defamation Better watch what you say, Monkeys... "It looks like the blogger is being punished for his bad language and not because he posted false information, which is unacceptable," Paris-based Reporters Without Borders said in a statement Friday.

June 14, 2006

Happy Mornings You can sleep when you are dead. YouTube video. via

June 12, 2006

LotR, redubbed - just a small section of it, for those of you who find excessive word use troubling.

June 08, 2006

US Air Raid kills Al-Zarqawi

June 07, 2006

Mentos & Diet Coke combine to make dancing waters of the first degree. Just stunning. (embedded QT video) more inside

June 06, 2006

Meet your new excuse Yet again not just devaluing people with actual mental problems, but also the effects that modern society has on people, and the need to take personal responsibility, Intermittent Explosive Disorder (or road rage) has now been classified as a mental disorder, and should be showing up as a legal defense in 3... 2... 1... "People think it's bad behavior and that you just need an attitude adjustment, but what they don't know ... is that there's a biology and cognitive science to this," said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chairman of psychiatry at the University of Chicago's medical school.

June 01, 2006

We are not alone 18 year old kid discovers eight new species in a cave deep under Israel.

May 26, 2006

Smoke pot, smoke pot, everybody smoke pot... A new study finds, to it's and everyone else's surprise, that even heavy use of marijuana does not increase the incidence of lung cancer-- in fact, it may be somewhat preventative. more inside

May 25, 2006

Do you know where your towel is? Today is Towel Day, in honor of Douglas Adams.... Be a hoopy frood and bring yours with you everywhere; you never know when you might need it.
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